The best time of year to sell a property can vary depending on a number of factors, including location, market conditions, and personal preferences. In general, however, the spring and summer months are typically considered the best time of year to sell a property.
Spring (March in particular) is very popular as the weather tends to be improving after a grey and cold winter. Natural sunlight helps homes to look their best. Trees have begun to get their leaves again, and flowers and plants are in bloom adding to curb appeal and the desirability of any outdoor space your property may have. Spring is also a good time in most people’s schedule as there aren’t as many holidays booked.
During the spring and summer, the weather is usually pleasant, which can make it easier for potential buyers to view properties and attend open houses. Additionally, the longer days and warmer temperatures can make properties look more attractive, which can help to increase their appeal to potential buyers.
Following spring in second place is autumn. This follows after people have returned from their summer holidays, but before they have started planning for Christmas. At the beginning of autumn, there is still the possibility of completing and moving into a new home before Christmas too.
Another factor to consider is the school year. Many families with children prefer to move during the summer months when school is out, so listing your property for sale during this time can increase your chances of reaching this demographic.
The fact of the matter is that people will always be buying and selling property no matter what time of year it is! However trends have shown that spring is the best time of year to sell a house. If you’re looking for a quick and efficient sale, this could be your best bet in terms of timing.
Of course, every market is different, so it's important to do your research and consult with a real estate professional to determine the best time of year to sell your property.